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International Travel for Canadians Increases 11x in 2022

The 2022 10Adventures Consumer Travel Trends Survey showed a dramatic change in attitudes towards travel compared to 2021.

700 respondents were asked whether they were actively planning to travel during the upcoming summer, whether they would travel locally, nationally, or internationally, and which destinations they were planning to visit.

Overall, there was an 11x increase in plans to travel internationally.

“Almost nobody is planning a staycation for the summer of 2022,” said 10Adventures Founder, Richard Campbell. “People have spent two years without travel, and during that time they have realized how important it is to explore other cultures and places, and to make lifelong memories with their loved ones. This means 2022 will see the beginning of what we expect to be a sustained travel boom.”

Canadians Traveling Farther in 2022

Canadians reported the most marked shift in travel attitudes. In 2021, a mere 2.5% of respondents were actively planning international travel. In 2022, this number rose to 28.3%, representing an 11x increase. Western Europe, the United States, and Mexico were the top destinations reported.

There was also an increase in the desire to travel to other provinces, rising from 21.6% in 2021 to 28.3%, reinforcing the idea that Canadians are ready to adventure again.

Canadian passport and boarding passes

Canadian passport and boarding passes

International Travel to Canada

It’s not just Canadians that are ready to go. Similar trends were observed among respondents from other major western countries, with Americans’ planned international travel increasing from 8.2% in 2021 to 29.7% in 2022, reflecting a 3.5x increase. One of the top international destinations Americans were planning to visit is Canada. Furthermore, the UK saw 8.6% planning international travel in 2021 growing to 30% in 2022. North America is the second-most preferred destination for Brits.

What Does this Mean for Canadians Planning to Travel Abroad?

Canadians planning international travel need to consider that many popular areas in Western Europe and North America are well on their way to selling out for summer with trips to Italy, the French Alps, Spain, and even pilgrimages. This might come as a surprise after two summers of widespread vacancy, but hotel rooms, flights, and tours are likely to be more booked than they have been in years.

When considering these findings as a whole, clear trends emerge. Travellers are ready to see the world again, but they all have their eyes on the same destinations: Western Europe is likely to see one of the most significant travel booms, with close to half of all respondents in all regions reporting plans to visit.

Tourists near Whistler in Brittish Columbia

Tourists near Whistler in Brittish Columbia

Implications for Tourism in Canada

As a top destination among all demographics surveyed, those working in the travel and tourism industry in Canada should be prepared for a very busy year. Not only will Canadian tourism destinations see increased demand from Canadians, but Canada ranks high as a destination for international travellers from the US, UK and Western Europe.

Local tourist towns throughout Canada, like Banff, Jasper, Muskoka, and Tofino could reach capacity this summer for the first time since the pandemic started. Booking late simply won’t be an option with a limited number of hotel rooms, campsites, and vacation rentals on the market.

Top urban destination cities like Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, and Calgary could see busier summers (and higher prices) than they’ve seen in years.

While all of this bodes well for a travel industry punished by the pandemic over the past 24 months, businesses in the tourism industry are struggling to find and train new staff. “Many travel companies lost their staff to other industries during the pandemic, and they are being forced to very quickly find staff and train them, adding to the complexity of what will be a very difficult summer vacation season,” says 10Adventures founder, Richard Campbell. “The bottom line is you’d better start making plans if you want to travel this summer. The first wave of the post-pandemic travel boom is hitting North America and Western Europe, and this is just the start”.

For high-res images please contact Mallory Kirzinger: mallory@10adventures.co, (403) 703-5805.

Thumb-nails (click for full-size)

10Adventures Founder Richard Campbell in Winter10Adventures Founder Richard Campbell in Winter

10Adventures Founder Richard Campbell in summer10Adventures Founder Richard Campbell in summer




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